Extreme Joshua Tree National Park

A three-and-a-half-hour drive from Los Angeles took us to Joshua Tree National Park. Most national parks in the US do not have a permanent settlement of wild animals. Instead, it is the formation of rocks, the walking and hiking trails and the varied Human life in the park began sometimes after the last ice age with the arrival of the Pinto people – the hunter-gathers who were part of the Southwest’s earliest cultures. They lived in Pinto Basin , which though inhospitality arid today, had a wet climate some 5,000 to 7,000 years ago. Nomadic groups of Red Indians seasonally inhabited the region when harvests of nuts, beans, acorns and cactus fruit guaranteed sustenance. Several 19th century gold mining ventures left it in ruins. However, some of these mines are accessible by hiking trails, or unmaintained roads that can be accessed by four-wheel SUVs. ...